North Texas’ Hearing Aid Repair
Hearing aids not working the way they used to? Our North Texas offices can repair your hearing aids or simply adjust them to your needs. Hearing aids should be comfortable and fine tuned to work for your hearing needs and in the places you spend your day. If you are experiencing feedback or interference, a less-tight fit, or if there are visible signs of damage or malfunction, your hearing aids need professional attention.
If you suspect your hearing aids need repair or cleaning beyond what you do at home, give us a Call Us. We’ll test your hearing while wearing the aids to be sure that you have the best hearing we can give you. Periodic adjustments to your hearing aids, regular cleanings and ongoing counseling are vital to your continued satisfaction with your investment in better hearing. Hearing aid repairs are by appointment in Southlake and Bedford offices.
If you are experiencing pairing issues or any other issues with Bluetooth please check out these Tech Tips for assistance.
Hearing aid not working like it should? Don’t wait to get it repaired. Your ability to hear is crucial to your overall health and relationships. Call to schedule a repair service.
Have your hearing aids stopped working? Call Us